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JOGAYOP - A Loyalty Check

Self, Education, Misc



The phase that I am going through (including last few months) was out of my life’s projection. The destination will never change but yes, the trajectory has moved for a while. When we have never tasted hard times, tough times feel amplified. Let me start with a small conversation that happened to me years back. I was leading a project and since the deadline was stringent, I was offered help from some freshers. When I had intro with one of the freshers, my second question (after how you are, ofcourse) to him was “So, how are you feeling on your first day/week at work?”. I chatted for a few minutes with him (nothing professional). I do the same with every individual I work with. He answered what he felt, the conversation ended, and we started with our work. I worked with that person on multiple projects then. A few years later, that fresher resigned from the company, and I still remember his last few words in the office when we were having a chat. I wished him luck for his new endeavors, and he replied, “When I first came to this professional world, everyone was busy asking me about my engineering work, my projects, my background but you asked me about me. This may sound trivial to you, but it is not for me. No matter where I go, where you stay, you will always remain special.” I never understood what special I did, till today. He was a very deep person and people mattered to him more than anything else and maybe that’s why we resonated well with each other in all the work we did as a team. Why have I narrated this conversation? Just to explain that it has not helped me ANYWHERE, but has been lodged SOMEWHERE.


As an individual, I have always tried to spread kindness and understanding even at my workplace. People make companies, so taking care of people is your job. This may sound like old school to some of you, but I never left this principle. Trust me, traits like valuing people and kindness are not helping at all to win my battles, but I am sure one day, it will help me win my war.


JOGAYOP is Joy Of Going At Your Own Pace. This word is trending these days, and everyone has their own perspective towards it. It is much easier said than done but my struggle is teaching me that there is a hidden meaning to it. JOGAYOP demands patience, hope and maturity that you must pave your own road and reach your destination when you CAN with no rush. What it doesn’t easily explain is why is it needed. What is the purpose of keeping patience and not joining the race? Let me attempt to explain this in my way.


When Arjun was asked to target fish’s eye in Draupadi’s Swayamvar, a beautiful conversation between him and Krishna happened which is written in one of the scriptures. Krishna asked Arjun to just concentrate on the target and leave the rest. Obviously, this was a difficult target even for Arjun, so he asked Krishna, “You always kept saying that you are with me. If I must use my strength, then what is the point of you being with me?”. Krishna smiled and answered, “I will help you with what you cannot”. Arjun asked, “And that is?”. Krishna smiled saying. “I will keep the water still 😊”.


JOGAYOP is not only about you, keeping patience and momentum high, but is equally about respecting what universe is building up for you. You might know what is right for you, but only he knows when it is. You will not be able to get that just out of your efforts, it is HIS timing when your efforts will bear fruits. JOGAYOP is your loyalty towards your Almighty. It is perfectly fine to feel frustrated, stressed, irritated, annoyed and helpless in your journey of test. What matters to him is your faith that he is your first choice and not the last option.


“Why” is never answered in our way ahead, it is always understood in hindsight. So be quiet, be good, do good, put your head down, keep your faith high and he will take care of the rest 😊.